Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

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[ O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y |  Z |  Other ]

First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
What is meant by graft?  Graft  2  326090 
What is that little boy crying about?  Lawyers  4  326524 
What is the difference between  Jews  1  326730 
What is the difference between a golfer  Golfers and Skydivers  3  330914 
What is the matter, dearest?  Excuses  4  326608 
What is the name of your automobile?  Automobiles  4  326681 
What is the penalty for bigamy?  Bigamy  2  326677 
What is the trouble, wifey?"  Trouble  3  326089 
What is the use of quarreling,  Too One-Sided  2  326108 
What is your ideal man?  Men  2  326664 
What is your name?" demanded the judge  Puns  8  326440 
What kind of a looking man is that chap  Bores  2  326511 
What little boy can tell me the difference  Automobiles  4  326740 
What makes you carry that horrible shriek  Automobiling  1  326733 
What makes you think the baby  Politicians  2  326215 
What of his sense of humor?  Sense Of Humor  2  326208 
What punishment did that defaulting  Punishment  1  326331 
What sort of a man is he?  Praise  2  326053 
What sort of a ticket does your suffragette club favor?  Suffragettes  2  326205 
What sort of an appearing man is he?  Appearance  2  326810 
What this country needs is more production.  Needs  2  326612 
What true friendship consists in depends  A Friend In Need  3  328502 
What true friendship consists in depends on  A Friend In Need  3  329796 
What were you and Mr. Smith talking about  Courtship  3  326356 
What were you in for?  Lost And Found  4  326244 
What you want to do is to have that mudhole  Automobiling  2  326587 
What you want, I suppose,  Woman Suffrage  2  326261 
What! You don't mean to tell  How It Happened  2  326295 
What's an echo, pa?"  Her Match  2  328758 
What's become ob dat little chameleon  Making Good  2  326473 
What's the matter with Briggs?  Mice  2  326306 
What's the matter with Smith?  Wives  2  326122 
What's the matter, little boy?  Justification  2  326700 
What's the trouble in Plunkville?  Municipal Government  4  326032 
What's this new conference  The Real Job  2  326135 
What's up old man; you look as happy as a lark!  Child Labor  2  326414 
What, Tommy, in the jam again,  Justice  2  326773 
What," asked the Sunday-school teacher,  Gossip  4  325984 
When "Bob" Burdette was addressing the graduating class  Age  1  326581 
When a customer in a Boston department store  Booksellers And Bookselling  1  326227 
When a husband loses his temper  Anger  1  326688 
When a man has a birthday he takes a day off,  Birthdays  1  327188 
When a married woman goes out  Suffragettes  1  326104 
When a woman marries and then divorces  Divorce  2  326263 
When a woman repulses,  Woman  1  326389 
When Bishop Phillips Brooks sailed  Religions  2  326033 
When by night the frogs are croaking,  Liars  4  326052 
When Claude Grahame-White the famous aviator,  Aviation  5  326421 
When Conan Doyle arrived for the first  Detectives  5  326648 
When Daniel got into the lions' den  After Dinner Speeches  1  327089 

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