Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

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First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
Back in those days when corporal punishment  Spanking  6  326641 
BALL-"What is silence?"  Silence  2  326605 
BANKS - "I had a new experience yesterday,  Cause And Effect  5  328068 
Beauty is worse than wine;  Beauty, Personal  1  326757 
Because a fellow has six talking machines,  Wives  1  326810 
Before a house where a colored man had died,  Negroes  2  326649 
Before Abraham Lincoln became President  Horses  3  326387 
Belated Traveller (surprised by a bull  A Consoling Thought  1  328836 
Belle and Ben had just announced their engagement.  Clubs  3  326724 
Best Man (seeing couple off on honeymoon):  Economy  1  326824 
Better to be driven out  Children  1  327064 
Betty (after flash of lightning)  Hope Springs Eternal  1  326738 
Betty: "Mummy, does God  Getting Back  2  326668 
BIG MAN (with a grouch)  Feet  2  326992 
Bigamy is when  Bigamy  1  327226 
BILL - "Jake said he was going to break  Suffragettes  2  332549 
BILLY - "Huh! I bet you didn't have a good   Pleasure  3  326416 
BILTER (at servants' agency)  Country Life  2  326654 
Binks has sued us for libel,  Newspapers  3  326457 
Bishop Doane of Albany was at one time rector   Clergy  6  326748 
Bishop Goodsell, of the Methodist Episcopal church,  Clergy  2  326751 
Blessed be agriculture!  Agriculture  1  327039 
Blinks, after inviting his friend,  Remembered  6  326352 
Bobby," said the lady in the tramcar,  A Question Of Locality  2  328575 
Bolshie Tubthumper: Yaas, there didn't ought  The Poor  1  326831 
Boohoo! Boohoo!" wailed little Johnny.  Punishment  5  326494 
Booker Washington, as all the world knows,  Clergy  4  326391 
Books should to one of these four ends conduce,  Books And Reading  2  326617 
Booth Tarkington says that in no state  Newspapers  10  326896 
Boss - "There's $10 gone from my cash drawer,  Compromises  2  326773 
Boss: What do you mean by such language?  Managers  3  326854 
Box Office Manager: "You Never  Troublesome Customer  2  326424 
BOY - "Come quick, there's a man  Loyalty  3  326779 
Boy, take these flowers to Miss Bertie Bohoo  Strategy  5  326737 
Breathless Visitor: Doctor,  A Close Call  2  328423 
BRICKLAYER (to mate, who had just had a hodful  Accidents  1  326788 
Brief History of a Successful Author:  Authors  1  326961 
BRIGGS - "Is it true that you have broken  Commuters  2  326732 
Brown volunteered to lend me money.  Friendship  3  326601 
Buck" Kilgore, of Texas,  Signs  5  326685 
Burdette quotes as follows a year's statistics  Pastoral  2  326643 
But Eliza," said the mistress,  Personal Names  2  326836 
But why did you leave your last place?  Quarrels  4  326900 
But why don't you think  Finished  2  326409 
By jove, I left my purse under the pillow!  Wives  3  326487 

45 Articles Found B

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