Jokes, Riddles & Giggles - Bone Of Contention.
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Bone Of Contention

    The crowd in the car was packed suffocatingly close. The timid passenger thought of pickpockets, and thrust his hand into his pocket protectingly. He was startled to encounter the fist of a fat fellow-passenger.

    "I caught you that time!" the fat man hissed.

    "Thief yourself!" snorted the timid passenger. "Leggo!"

    "Scoundrel!" shouted the fat man.

    "Help! Stop thief!" the little fellow spluttered, trying to wrench his hand from the other's clasp. As the car halted, the tall man next the two disputants spoke sharply:

    "I want to get off here, if you dubs will be good enough to take your hands out of my pocket."

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