A young man entered a hat store and asked to see the latest styles in derbies. He was evidently hard to please, for soon the counter was covered with hats that he had tried on and found wanting. At last the salesman picked up a brown derby, brushed it off on his sleeve, and extended it admiringly.
"These are being very much worn this season, sir," he said. "Won't you try it on?"
The customer put the hat on and surveyed himself critically in the mirror. "You're sure it's in style?"
"The most fashionable thing we have in the shop, sir. And it suits you to perfection - if the fit's right."
"Yes, it fits very well. So you think I had better have it?"
"I don't think you could do better."
"No, I don't think I could. So I guess I won't buy a new one after all."
The salesman had been boosting the customer's old hat, which had become mixed among the many new ones.