Wendell Phillips was traveling through Ohio once when he fell in with a car full of ministers returning from a convention. One of the ministers, a southerner from Kentucky, was naturally not very cordial to the opinions of the great abolitionist and set out to embarrass Mr. Phillips. So, before the group of ministers, he said:
"You are Wendell Phillips, are you not?"
"Yes," answered the great abolitionist.
"And you are trying to free the niggers, aren't you?"
"Yes, sir; I am."
"Well, why do you preach your doctrines up here? Why don't you go over into Kentucky?"
"Excuse me, are you a preacher?"
"I am, sir."
"Are you trying to save souls from hell?"
"Yes, sir; that is my business."
"Well, why don't you go there then?" asked Mr. Phillips.