Jokes, Riddles & Giggles - Punishment.
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    A white man during reconstruction times was arraigned before a colored justice of the peace for killing a man and stealing his mule. It was in Arkansas, near the Texas border, and there was some rivalry between the states, but the colored justice tried to preserve an impartial frame of mind.

    "We's got two kinds ob law in dis yer co't," he said: "Texas law an' Arkansas law. Which will you hab?"

    The prisoner thought a minute and then guessed that he would take the Arkansas law.

    "Den I discharge you fo' stealin' de mule, an' hang you fo' killin' de man."

    "Hold on a minute, Judge," said the prisoner. "Better make that Texas law."

    "All right. Den I fin' you fo' killin' de man, an' hang you fo' stealin' de mule."

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